Top-End Cyber Security Solution Enters Nigerian Market

By Irene Gaitirira
Published June 19, 2016

Riaan Badenhorst says organisations need to have strong security expertise combined with technology that is capable of spotting a criminal act in the avalanche of daily activity in a large corporation.As businesses around the world increasingly get targeted by cyber criminals, cyber-security company, Kaspersky Lab, has entered the Nigerian market.

Kaspersky says its Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform, that it says is designed to detect targeted attack, is now availavle in Nigeria. This, Kaspersky says, “is a premium solution based on the most advanced technology to date that draws on Kaspersky Lab’s expertise in the detection and analysis of the world’s most sophisticated threats.”

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The Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform is available as an independent solution or in combination with expert services aimed at rapid incident detection and response. The availability of intelligence services also enables customers to adapt the solution to specific business needs.

The cyber-security company says its Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform “is designed to identify and highlight unusual actions that constitute strong evidence of malicious intent.”

Riaan Badenhorst, Managing Director of Kaspersky Lab Africa, says, “One of many challenges that businesses face nowadays is a requirement to overcome an array of cyberthreats, including very advanced ones, for which they need knowledge of possible attack vectors, indicators of compromise, and the ability to distinguish normal operations from malicious activity.”

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To win the battle, Badenhorst says, “organisations need to have strong security expertise combined with technology that is capable of spotting a criminal act in the avalanche of daily activity in a large corporation.”

So how does the Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform work?

Kaspersky Lab Africa“The Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform analyses data collected from different points of the corporate IT infrastructure. The solution’s sensors are responsible for data acquisition over network traffic, web and e-mail as well as endpoints. This allows the solution to detect complex attacks at any stage, even when no malicious activity is taking place, like data exfiltration. Suspicious events are then processed via different engines, including an Advanced Sandbox and a Targeted Attack Analyzer for a final verdict,” Kaspersky says in a statement.

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