By Khalifa Hemed
Published May 23, 2018
An initiative to explore partnerships for scaling up investments in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) with the aim of scaling up a strong, young community of world-class scientists and technologists across Africa has been mooted.
African Development Bank (AfDB) and African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) have signed a Letter of Intent aimed at developing and strengthening advanced science, technology and innovation skills and the knowledge required to drive modern economy in Africa.
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While signing the document of cooperation on the sidelines of AfDB’s Annual Meetings in the South Korean city of Busan, Jennifer Blanke, Vice-President for Agriculture, Human and Social Development at AfDB observed that mathematics and science play a critical role in the promotion of human development and innovation in Africa.
Thierry Zomahoun, President and Chief Executive Officer of AIMS said the transformation of Africa is not possible without involving Africans themselves.
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An AfDB-AIMS Partnership Programme to build expertise in mathematical sciences across Africa is the objective of the envisaged collaboration.
While AfDB is Africa’s premier development finance institution, AIMS is a pan-African network of centers of excellence enabling Africa’s talented students to become innovators driving the continent’s scientific, educational and economic self-sufficiency. It was established in 2003 as an African Union-New Partnerships for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) intervention in the strengthening of mathematical sciences capacity on the continent.
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