Submit Your Animation Projects in Developmen to Durban FilmMart

By Abdi Ali
Published October 13, 2022

Durban FilmMart Institute (DFMI) has opened the call for animation projects in development for the 2023 Pitch and Finance ForumDurban FilmMart Institute (DFMI) has opened the call for animation projects in development for the 2023 Pitch and Finance Forum, together with Cape Town International Animation Film Festival (CTIAF) and Tshimologong Digital Innovation Precinct (Tshimologong).

DFMI says it hopes to select 10 official animation projects in development to present to a panel of international decision makers consisting of potential co-producers, broadcasters, film funds and distributors in the 14th Durban FilmMart taking place in July 2023.

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“2022 marked the first time in which DFM formally welcomed animation projects to pitch at the market,” says Magdalene Reddy, DFMI General Manager. “Pitches were well received from industry and filmmakers were eager to share their stories, which we cannot wait to see in the very near future. Together with our partners from CTIAF and Tshimologong, we hope to deepen the programme for animators on the continent offering more pitching opportunities, extended development, and greater engagements with the industry.

The DFM Pitch and Finance Forum consists of public pitching, one on one meetings with decision makers and 8 weeks of online mentorship prior to the pitch in Durban. This year we are able to offer 5 of the 10 project teams the opportunity to participate in the Road to Annecy at CTIAF in addition to their participation in Durban.

“This has proven to be one of the most successful and impactful partnerships that offer our talent an opportunity to engage with decision makers” says Lesley Donna William – CEO Tshimologong. “DFMI and CTIAF continue to play a vital role in providing platforms where our talent can gain access to industry experts through the mentorship programme and allow them to pitch to a panel of decision makers in the broadcasting and distribution sector. We are proud to announce that we will be renewing our partnership with DFMI and CTIAF. We look forward to working together in developing and providing market access to the animation industries from different parts of the continent.”

“The best way to perfect a pitch is to practice a pitch. Events like this are integral to getting market ready and I encourage everyone to enter competitions like this to hone their skills,”says Dianne Makings, director of CTIAF.

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The Animation Pitch and Finance Forum will form part of the 14th annual Durban FilmMart event which will take place in July 2023 as an in-person event in Durban, South Africa.

The Road to Annecy will be presented at the 2023 Cape Town International Animation Film Festival which will take place April 2023 in Cape Town, South Africa.

Animated Fiction and Documentary projects in development with at least one African citizen in one of the key creative roles (writer, director or producer) will be considered for the programme. Proof of African citizenship or birth must be provided through a certified passport/I.D. or birth certificate. Projects need to have both a director and producer attached. Projects will be selected by an external panel of industry professionals.

Shortlisted projects will be contacted via email in November 2022.

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For regarding submission criteria visit:

To apply:

Deadline for applications: Monday, 31st October 2022 at 23:59 CAT

For Further questions:

The call for live action projects will open in December 2022.

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The Durban FilmMart animation programme is supported by the project “Cultural and Creative Industries” which is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut. It improves employment and income opportunities for creative professionals in six partner countries; Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Kenya, Senegal, and South Africa and operates mainly in the music, fashion, design and animation sectors. In addition to promoting the development of entrepreneurial, digital, creative and technical skills through training programmes, the project aims to strengthen the framework conditions and the ecosystem

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